Results for 'Rezki Ashriyana Sulistiobudi'

  1.  12
    Adaptation of Work Values Instrument in Indonesian Final Year University Students.Rezki Ashriyana Sulistiobudi & Harlin Nikodemus Hutabarat - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundOne of the preferences working in the Generation Z is based on their motivational work values. The relevance of job choices with the work values will contribute to student career planning. The work value instrument among generations is one of the popular instruments used to measure final year students' work value, yet few studies of the psychometric properties of non-English language versions of this instrument. This study's objectives were to adapt a questionnaire of work value in Indonesian final year university (...)
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  2.  17
    Menemukan kesejahteraan psikologis dibalik profesi Dosen : Psychological contract sebagai Salah satu prediktor tercapainya psychological well being pada Dosen.Rezki Ashriyana Sulistiobudi, Anissa Lestari Kadiyono & Megawati Batubara - 2017 - Humanitas 14 (2):120.
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